Caramel pound recipe

Caramel pound recipe

Caramel pound recipe

Cake Recipe

  • (RT- room temp)
  • 3 cups SwanDown
  • 3 cups Sugar
  • 3 sticks unsalted butter -RT
  • 8oz phil cream cheese -RT
  • 6 eggs- RT
  • 4oz Sourcream-RT
  • 1tsp baking powder
  • 1tsp almond extract
  • 1/2tsp butter flavor


  • Preheat oven to 335. Spray flute/bundt pan with Pam, Bakers Joy, or oil and flour (I use bakers joy)
  • Place butter and cream cheese in blender and let blend on medium for two minutes add sour cream and sugar keep blending two more minutes.
  • Add baking powder, and flavors…keep blending.
  • Add one egg at a time then flour one cup at a time be careful not to over mix.

Add batter to bundt/flute and bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes based on your oven.

Caramel Icing

  • Caramel Icing
  • 2- sticks unsalted butter
  • 16 oz Evaporated Milk
  • 2-cups sugar
  • 2tsp vanilla flavored
  • Place butter, milk and sugar in a pot and boil on low\medium heat for 1 1/2 hours until it starts to look like the 2nd clip I will share.
  • Please continue to stir to prevent sticking and burning.
  • Remove from heat, add vanilla extract and stir until combined. Let set for two minutes then pour over pound cake

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