Onion soup

French Onion Soup


Note: I rarely measure anything, I just COOK!

  • Butter
  • Sliced onions
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • White wine
  • Flour
  • Good beef broth (unsalted)
  • Leftover gravy (optional)
  • Slices of French bread
  • Grated Gruyere cheese



  1. Melted some butter in a cast iron enamel Dutch oven.
  2. Added sliced onions, salt, and pepper.
  3. Cooked them down until golden and caramelized (45 mins or so).
  4. Deglazed the pot with some white wine.
  5. Added some flour to thicken and let cook a couple of mins before adding good beef broth (I use unsalted so I can control the salt).
  6. Also found some gravy leftover from a pot roast I made over the weekend so I threw that in too.
  7. Salt and pepper to taste.
  8. Let simmer 10 mins or so while I toasted some slices of French bread.
  9. Put the soup into bowls, topped with toasted French bread and grated Gruyere cheese.
  10. Put under broiler until cheese was melty and delish.

Onion soup

Lord hammercy it sure was good!

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