Granny's Rocky Mountain cake

Granny Boyd’s Rocky Mountain Coconut Cake

What You Need to Make Granny Boyd’s Rocky Mountain Coconut Cake:

Basic 1-2-3-4 Cake:

1 cup (2 sticks) butter that is ready to use
2 cups of sugar
4 eggs
Sift 3 cups of self-rising flour.
One cup of milk
One teaspoon of real vanilla extract

Rocky Mountain Filling:

1 and a half cups sugar
1/2 cup of coconut milk
2 1/2 cups coconut flakes
2 cups of raisins cut up
1 tangerine

Your first choice for frosting isĀ  Aroy-D Coconut Milk, and your second choice is Thai Kitchen Coconut Milk.

1/2 cup of coconut milk
1/2 cup sugar

Choices for frosting:

1 pound of cream cheese that is not cold
Two sticks of plain butter, half a pound, cold
3/4 of a teaspoon of real vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon of pure coconut oil
1 pound of sifted confectioners’ sugar 6 ounces of sweetened coconut shreds

7 Minute Frosting:

1 and a half cups sugar
1/4 teaspoon of cream of tartar or 1 tablespoon of white corn syrup
1/8 teaspoon of salt
1/3 cup of water
2 egg whites
1/4 teaspoon of real vanilla extract


Warm the oven up to 350 degrees F.
Get the cake batter ready: Butter and flour three 9-inch cake pans. Cream butter with an electric mixer until it’s light and fluffy. After you add the sugar, cream the mixture well for another 6 to 8 minutes. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each one. Start with flour and end with milk as you add them to the combined mixture. Keep beating after adding the vanilla until it is just mixed. In the prepared pans, divide the batter evenly.
Place in the oven and bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until done. Let them cool for 5 to 10 minutes in the pans. Flip cakes over onto racks to cool. Cool down completely.
Get the coconut milk mix ready: On low heat, mix sugar and coconut milk until the sugar is gone.
Put it on layers: You can make holes in the cake. Pour sweet coconut milk on top of the cake. Use sweetened coconut milk to brush on the side of the cake. This will help the chopped coconut stick to the outside. After that, press chopped coconut onto the side of the cake.
Get Rocky Mountain Filling ready by: A meat grinder can be used to grind up nuts, raisins, and oranges. On the stove, warm the sugar and coconut milk until the sugar is gone. After it’s cool, add the ground-up mix.
Get frosting ready:
To make frosting with cream cheese: On low speed, mix the cream cheese, butter, and vanilla in the bowl of an electric mixer with a paddle attachment. Mix in the powdered sugar until it’s almost smooth.
Seven-Minute Add sugar, cream of tartar or corn syrup, salt, water, and egg whites to the top of a double boiler. This is for the frosting. Use a hand-held electric mixer to mix for one minute. Put the pan over the hot water, but make sure the water doesn’t touch the bottom of the top pan. For seven minutes, use an electric mixer to beat on high speed all the time. Mix in the vanilla.

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