Apple Rolls

Traditional Apple Rolls Recipe: Passed Down for Generations

An old family “recipe”. Apple rolls! My Mom entered it in a name brand flour contest in the ‘70’s. She got 3rd place. Her main problem was, nothing had ever been measured, just copied from generation to generation.

Apple Rolls


  • 3 pie crusts (I use butter instead of Crisco, my mom’s way; I’m sure my great grandmother used lard)
  • Butter
  • Cinnamon
  • Sugar
  • Apples (I usually buy by the bushel; one time I bought a 5 lb bag and it wasn’t quite enough)

For the Syrup:

  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 3 tablespoons clear jell (Mom used cornstarch)
  • About 1 cup of water


  • Roll out the pie crusts.
  • Soften a stick of butter and spread it over the crusts.
  • Cover with cinnamon sugar.
  • Add diced apples.

Apple Rolls

  • Cut the rolled into individual rolls.

Apple Rolls

  • For the syrup, mix together 1 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, and 3 tablespoons clear jell with about a cup of water.
  • Pour the syrup over the rolls.
  • Bake until golden brown.

Apple Rolls

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